Become your own first responder

This 5-hour course is for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense, regardless of experience level. This course covers shooting fundamentals; the physiology of violent encounters; the legal aspects of using deadly force (including knowing what to do in the aftermath); and a complete guide on gear, gadgets, and ongoing training.

Our AWARE training program teaches the skills to proactively identify bad actors based on specific behaviors and respond to violent intent before a physical attack materializes, giving you the ability to prevent--rather than react to--an attack. We train a specific methodology based in behavioral sciences, neurology, and physiology that until recently has been limited to a select few trained intelligence, law enforcement, and military professionals.
Available for organizational, small group, and individual training.

Emergency First-Aid Fundamentals
This 6-hour course covers everything you need to know if you’re ready to become your family’s first responder in an emergency situation like a car accident, serious fall, gunshot wound, or other medical emergencies. During this training, you’ll do more than simply sit in a classroom learning about these topics. We will guide you through a dozen real-world scenarios using simulated patients and the actual products that you’ll need to understand in order to save a life.
Not ready for the full course? We also offer tailor-made 2-hour course offerings to meet individual or organizational needs, including:
Save a Life: Control the Bleed
Save a Life: Restart the Heart (CPR & AED)
Mass Casualty Incidents and Triage System
Build Your Own First-Aid Kit

Become Capable, Confident, & Responsibly Armed
We believe in using every legal means to keep you and your family safe. You are your family's First Responder. When presented with a lethal violent threat, having the skills to confidently and responsibly neutralize the threat can make all the difference.
Our mission is to train you to become a capable, confident, and responsible gun owner, armed with the skills to protect yourself and those important to you.
Founded by Ryan Rushton, a combat-decorated veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, Claymore Defense brings real-world experience and insight into our classes, giving you the training that has been proven to ensure you prevail in an actual conflict.
"Absolutely brilliant performance during combat...Recognized for valor in the face of the enemy due to his heroic actions, Ryan is a battle-proven officer--well respected by all who know him for his attention to detail, calm demeanor, and tactical acumen."
- General Richard D. Clarke, Commander, US Special Operations Command (SOCOM)